Starting out

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This blog first took seed about two years ago to document the ups and downs of life as a ‘merged’ family. I guess I was also hoping it would take some kind of therapeutic role in my life. However, here we are, in early 2020 and we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, the first in living memory (and hopefully the last). I think this period of our history will be talked about for many generations to come so I figured now was a good time to get started. I’ve also been inspired to get my ass in gear by 3 other bloggers; one a friend of a friend, one a family member and one an old classmate. All 3 write incredibly well and I really enjoy reading their latest offerings. Sometimes they are just about everyday life but often there is something in them that gives me something to think about. Sometimes these things are profound and meaningful and sometimes it involves rating my top ten most iconic British sitcoms of all time (if ‘The Office’ and ‘Fools and Horses’ aren’t in your top 5 at least, you should give up on this blog now). For today though, I should probably begin with some disclaimers.

You may already be a good friend of mine; you may have ended up here by mistake. You may be a colleague; past or present. I may have seen you yesterday or we may have not seen each other since the blissfully carefree times of primary school. We may be related through blood or love. Wherever you fit, I hope you find a moment of escape, some comfort that we really are all in this together, or maybe even some therapy for yourself.  I should warn you though that there will be the odd swear word and rant but this wouldn’t me without them.

I should also mention that despite being married to an IT consultant our joint knowledge of how to format and use this platform is about the same level as my cat’s knowledge of pre-raphaelite art so apologies if it looks a bit shabby to start. It’s the content that counts right?!

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